The George Furtney Memorial Forest program was created in London as a lasting way to honour the memory of our loved ones. The 'Forest' is a living memorial that also contributes to our community and our environment, and will for generations to come.
Established during London's Arbor Week, April 24, 1992, the initial plantings took place north of Watson Porter Pavilion in Fanshawe Park. A dedication service is held annually at the Pavilion each September recognizing those being honoured that year. See highlights of our 2024 service here.
Trees play a vital role in combating the greenhouse effect, they provide shelter for wildlife, control soil erosion, provide wind protection, shade and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and their beauty enriches us all. What better tribute to our loved ones than preserving our precious forests?
A tree is automatically planted by Furtney Funeral Homes Ltd. for each individual whose funeral arrangements have been conducted through either Logan Funeral Home or Evans Funeral Home - a token of our appreciation for those who rely on us - but the program is not restricted to those served by our funeral homes, everyone is welcome to participate.
A living memorial for others may be arranged by contacting either of our funeral homes. The cost of each tree is $50, payable to the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority. An income tax receipt will be issued by the UTRCA.
The family of the individual being honoured will receive an "In Memoriam Card" notifying them that a memorial tree will be planted in the George Furtney Memorial Forest in memory of their loved one.
The memorial trees planted include Red Maple, Sugar Maple, Red Oak, Bur Oak, White Oak, Kentucky Coffee, Sycamore, Serviceberry, Hackberry, Tulip and Black Cherry; all species native to the Carolinian Forests throughout this region.
The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority oversee tree and site selection and care of the forest. The name of each individual we honour is engraved on the Memorial Forest Wall, located at each of our funeral homes, and included in our annual dedication service brochure.
Many sites have been enhanced with our Memorial Forest plantings over the years. Plaques identify each site.
Furtney Funeral Homes Ltd. is committed to sustaining the George Furtney Funeral Home Memorial Forest Program in the years to come. It is our hope that the healing qualities of a natural forest and its wildlife will bring comfort and consolation to all.